With the right tempo, even our hearts is conduct an orchestra.

    With the right tempo, even our hearts is conduct an orchestra.

    With right frequency the right radio channel will play. I use my life to find that right person with the right frequency.

    All my hard work is for this day, this moment. It feel’s like the time has been frozen, I can no longer hear what others are yelling, all I can feel is my trembling fingers holding the ring, heart racing under my chest, the whole world is waiting for your answer.

    “I do” you said with tears in your eye.

    I put on the right for you and give my heart to you. When we hug, I can feel your heartbeat and the orchestra begins!    

  • resarah GI-11522 鞋子介紹
Heel: 7 cm
Platform: 1 cm
[ Information ]

Color: Berry Pink